
About Me

I am a Master student at NTHU, where I study quantum algorithms.

I am interested in C++ (new standard and STL), array languages (APL, BQN, etc.), parallel computing, computer graphics and geography (especially maps!).

BTW, I love jogging.

I am also known as Akamayu-OuO, Akamayu, and akmy online.

About the blog

Here is where I put what I have learned, or have experienced. It is kind of messy now, but I plain to separate short notes from the longer, more self-contained posts apart. (which will probably never be done, though.)

The posts are written in Markdown, and the website is generated using costume script with Pandoc.

The title comes from the ultimate travel guide – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I think that the phrase should be every person’s motto.